Access to Information (June edition, 26 minutes)

Corine and Evelyne from DRC and Burundi respectively share the multiple challenges for refugees who do not speak English, Luganda or Runyankole in understanding the different COVID-19 messages shared by the Ministry of Health and other relevant authorities during the lockdown. These include the fundamental gap in media such as radio and newspapers, none of which use common refugee languages. They also include the time-lag between announcements and subsequent translation and interpretation, and the loss of information when it is passed by word of mouth and interpreted by fellow refugees who have themselves not followed 100% of the original presentation. All of these can increase vulnerabilities and poor or non-compliance to measures/SOPs aimed at fighting COVID-19. In their discussion the youth suggest some recommendations on helping refugees easily and quickly access information during moments like this, particularly the use of Facebook for posting urgent information. Your browser does not support the audio element.

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