Resource Pack on Working with Men and Boys on Sexual and Gender Violence Issues

Resource Pack on Working with Men and Boys on Sexual and Gender Violence IssuesDear Friends and Colleagues, we are pleased to share with you a PDF version of our Resource Pack on Working with Men and Boys on Sexual and Gender Violence Issues. This is a compilation of some our resources on working with men and boys survivors of conflict related sexual violence since 2009 in Uganda. Each Resource Pack has 4 DVDs enclosed. The first DVD holds a collection of documents, reports and publications on Men and Boys survivors of sexual violence. The second DVD contains our major feature documentary titled “Gender Against Men.” The third DVD is a collection of our short films and the fourth DVD is a compilation of media coverage on our work on conflict related sexual violence against men and boys. Below is the outline
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  1. The Observer: The Rape of Men (2011)
  2. UNHCR Need to Know Guidance Note on Working with Men and Boy Survivors (2012)
  3. UN SRSG-SVC Workshop Report (July 2013)
  4. Promoting Accountability for Conflict Related Sexual Violence Against Men (2013)
  5. Conflict Related Sexual Violence & UN Security Council Resolutions (2014)
  6. First South-South Institute Report (Forthcoming 2014)
  7. Assessment Screening to Identify Survivors Toolkit for Gender Based Violence (ASSIST-GBV)
  8. ICC commentary (2014)
  9. Male survivors of sexual violence demand for better services report (2014)


  1. Gender Against Men (2009)


  1. Hope, Peace & Courage (2013)
  2. 1st South-South Institute Keynote Speech & Reaction (2013)
  3. Buchoro Memories (2013)
  4. The Bench (2014)
- Interviewing Male Survivors - Methodological Reflections (2014)


  1. Al Jazeera Inside Story: The Silent Victims of Rape (2011)
  2. BBC World Service: Unspeakable Act - Episodes 1 & 2 (2012)
  3. Radio Talkshow: SGBV Advocacy (2013)
  4. Al Jazeera Activist’s testimony (2013)
  5. AFP: Victims of male rape suffer in DRC from lack of support (2013)


The copies are available for free in our Kampala office. Please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and request for one now. Donate to support survivors/victims of sexual violence.

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